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Pokémon X and Y are the first titles in the main series presented in fully 3D polygonal graphics, allowing for more interactivity with the overworld and more dynamic. Pokemon X and Y: TM & HM List TM # Name: Type: Power: Accuracy: Style: TM01: Hone Claws--TM02: Dragon Claw: 80: 100%: TM03: Psyshock: 80: 100%: TM04: Calm Mind--TM05. Pokemon X and Y Guide: Best Starters, Strategies, What to Do, Where to Go Need some help with Pokemon X and Y? Here's what you need to know to get up and running. 1-50; 51-100; 101-150; 151-200; 201-250; 251-300; 301-350; 351-400; 401-450; 451-500; 501-550; 551-600; 601-650; 651-700; 701-718; Event Database. Like in previous games, Pokémon X & Y include TMs and HMs which teach your Pokémon new attacks. Check this list to find out where all pokémon are in Pokémon X and Y. The list below ONLY APPLIES TO POKÉMON X AND Y. National Pokédex Number Name Location; 001. For Pokemon X on the 3DS, GameFAQs has 27 FAQs (game guides and walkthroughs), 203 cheat codes and secrets, 32 reviews, 45 critic reviews, and 5 user screenshots. How To Become The Ultimate Monster Breeder In Pokémon X Twitter. October 14, 2013 Pokemon X and Y TM Locations List Guide. If you’re looking for the many hidden TMs within Pokemon X and Y, we’ve got you covered. Elite Four and Champion: Pokémon League ← Victory Road; Table of Contents; Razor Shell (Water physical attack), and X-Scissor (Bug physical attack). Alphabetical List of Pokemon - Pokemon X and Y: If you know the name of a Pokemon, you can search for them in the alphabetical list. Pokémon X and Y were released last week, and I’m pretty comfortable with going ahead and declaring them to be the best video games of the year. POKEMON RED, BLUE AND YELLOW TMs. TM # Move: Type: Pwr: Acc: Effect: TM01: Toxic poisoning will revert to normal poisoning if the poisoned Pokemon is switched out. Pokémon can be organized according to a number of different attributes. This list provides their English names and several formats of the Japanese names. Pokemon Zeta Omicron Wiki Navigation. Edit Classic editor; History; Talk 0. Pokemon X and Y item location guide. Find 'em all (the items, we mean) Shares. Page 1 of 14: Page 1 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6. For Pokemon X on the 3DS, TM/HM List by Platinum Sonic 10. The Pokémon TCG Online Officially Launches on Android! Would you like to notify the staff that you believe "" is an inappropriate screen name. By Marriland Oct 11, 2013; I'll be getting Pokemon X tomorrow and while I can't do an LP of it due to having no way of recording 3ds games. Eevee has an unstable genetic makeup that suddenly mutates due to the. Administrators have been notified and will review the screen name for. Pokémon X & Pokémon Y are the first Generation VI Pokémon games, coming for the Nintendo 3DS worldwide in October 2013. These games are the first to include a real. The pokemon x and y tm list gives an updated pokemon x tm list and pokemon y tm list for the new generation of Pokemon games. Pokemon X and Y are the latest in the Pokémon series, developed by Game Freak for Nintendo 3DS. The games are the first in the series to feature full 3D graphics and. TMs and HMs - Pokemon X and Y: Technical Machines (TMs) and Hidden Machines (HMs) are items found throughout the Pokemon world which allows you to teach certain Moves. TM # Move: Type: Damage: Pwr: Acc: Effect: TM01: Hone Claws: Dark: N/A: N/A: Raises the user's Attack and Accuracy by 1 stage each. (Route 5 - Northwest Corner) TM02.
Puzzled over where to find a particular TM or HM? This Pokemon X and Y walkthrough has got you covered with the locations of all of the TMs and HMs in the game. This is the list for every TM available on 5th gen TM 01 - "Claw Sharpen" TM 02. I offer myself to do the list for the first 50 pokemon. Explore for news and information on Pokémon, the Pokédex, Pokémon games, the Trading Card Game, Pokémon movies, and Pokémon TV show. Pokemon X and Y are the latest iterations in Pokemon franchise developed by Game Freak exclusively for Nintendo 3DS. The game is played from third-person. TM# Name Type Cat PP Base Power Accuracy Effect Location. ポケットモンスターX Pokémon Y ポケットモンスターY Nintendo 3DS Information. From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. List of TM and HM locations has. This page will be updated as soon as more of the Gym Leaders in Pokémon X & Y's. Love your site and your videos. Can't wait on the new pokemon X and Y and your. Pokémon X and Pokémon Y will present a new generation of Pokémon and introduce players to an exciting new adventure in a breathtaking 3D world. EGuides, in-depth walkthroughs, character information, and strategies for Pokemon X and Pokemon Y. TM/HM List (Pearl/Diamond) < TM. This is a list of all the TMs and HMs and how to get them. Whats your favorite pokemon? WikiEmbed Code; what is this? Contact. Want a particular move for your Pokemon? This Pokemon X & Y guide is for you then. Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. The Pokémon Company International is not responsible for the content of. TM through generations Generation I. Generation I featured 50 TMs, with an additional five HMs. Move Tutors in FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald teach. Looking for Pokemon X and Y cheats on 3DS? Here we'll list Pokemon X and Y cheat codes and unlockables with tips for Nintendo's new RPG game. A list of all the Technical Machines (TMs) in Pokémon X & Y, with the move details and their exact locations. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Pokemon X (Pokemon X And Y) for Nintendo 3DS. An all-new sixth generation of Pokémon games begins with Pokémon X and Pokémon Y. As usual with a new generation there are new Pokémon to catch and locations to. Information about the TMs and HMs and their locations in Pokemon X and Y. Use this to navigate to a letter. A B C D E F G H I J K L. Industry leading retail website selling Pokemon cards. Pokemon trading card game is available by the individual single card, pack, box, theme deck or collectible tin. How & Where to catch/get - All TM Locations in Pokemon X and Y [Full TM Location Guide] Pheonixmaster1. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 220,773 220K. TM stands for Technical Machine. Pokemon Trainers can give these CDs to their Pokémon to help them to learn new moves to use against opponent Pokémon. Below is a list of useful TM locations for all your pokemon's TM needs :] Skip navigation Upload.